Call for papers ICESS 2022 – the 5th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences

Conference theme:
Fostering Recovery through Metaverse Business Modelling
16-17 June 2022
The past years’ uncertainties and pressures resulted from the pandemic, alongside new developments in social technology, 5G, cloud computing, augmented and virtual reality, generated the perfect setting for the metaverse to gain traction. Several companies found there’s a critical need to redefine the work environment and started exploring the metaverse concept beyond the entertainment sector. Thus, new tools for collaboration and data visualization within a digital shared space are being created, aiming for a fully immersive interaction between the virtual and the physical worlds within the next few years. While still in its early developments, the metaverse can be seen as an extension of the social media platforms, and an opportunity to leverage remote work even further.
ICESS 2022 provides a space for all those interested in Economics and Social Sciences to discuss and exchange research ideas in the light of the work environment, business model, and technological changes driven by COVID-19. We welcome both empirical and theoretical work that is broadly consistent with the conference’s general theme. Researchers, PhD students and practitioners are invited to submit papers on the topics related to fostering recovery through metaverse business modelling, such as, data science and digitalization, frameworks, regulations, digital fatigue, marketing, finance etc. that will help develop innovative instruments for countries, businesses and education to recover and adapt.
We welcome you to join us for two intensive days of plenary speeches and specialized parallel sessions debates that will result in high quality practical insights and networking.
Conference website: