The Juridical Tribune Journal will also be indexed in Scopus starting March 2021

Tribuna Juridică / Juridical Tribune journal ( published by ASE Publishing House, under the auspices of the Law Department within the Faculty of Law, ASE Bucharest and the Society of Legal and Administrative Sciences, ISSN 2247-7195 and ISSN 2248-0382 online, was accepted for indexing in the Scopus database (it will be indexed starting with the March 2021 issue), thus becoming the first journal of legal sciences in Romania indexed in Scopus and in Web of Science Clarivate Analytics.
The Legal Tribune is also indexed in EBSCO, HEINONLINE, CEEOL, PROQUEST, ERIH Plus, WorldCat, KVK - recognized international databases in the field of legal sciences - as well as in Doaj, RePEc, IndexCopernicus, UlrichsWeb, Cabell, OAJI, VLex and in over 100 international libraries and catalogs.