The Juridical Tribune Journal will also be indexed in Scopus starting March 2021
Tribuna Juridică / Juridical Tribune journal ( published by ASE Publishing House, under the auspices of the Law Department within the Faculty of Law, ASE Bucharest and the
The Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS 2020) have been published
The series is aimed at publishing peer-reviewed articles presented at the International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS), organized yearly by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies,
The book “Studiu privind balanta comerciala cu produse agroalimentare a Romaniei in perioada 2015‐2020” has been published
The research results of the project " Studiu privind balanța comercială a României cu produse agroalimentare în perioada 2015-2020" (research contract concluded between the Bucharest University of Economic
The Springer volume of the ICBE 2020 Conference has been published
This proceedings volume presents a selection of the best papers from the 14th International Conference on Business Excellence, Business Revolution in the Digital Era (ICBE 2020), held
Operational procedures approved on 17.dec.2020
The following operational procedures were approved on 17 December 2020:1. PO_DMCI-03 Susținerea publicării de articole în reviste de prestigiu din domeniile de interes ale ASE, Ed. I/2019, Rev.
The Intelligent System for Making Offers on the Wholesale Electricity Market (SMARTRADE) project has been completed
The Intelligent System for Making Offers on the Wholesale Electricity Market (SMARTRADE) project took place between 2016-2020, being co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the
The Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Business Excellence were indexed in the WoS database
The Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Business Excellence (ICBE) were indexed in the Web of Science database at the end of August 2020. The conference,