Operational procedures approved on 17.dec.2020

Operational procedures approved on 17.dec.2020

The following operational procedures were approved on 17 December 2020:

1. PO_DMCI-03 Susținerea publicării de articole în reviste de prestigiu din domeniile de interes ale ASE, Ed. I/2019, Rev. 1/2020.

The procedure establishes the method of settling the fees for the publication of scientific articles in prestigious journals in order to stimulate the scientific production quality of ASE’s researchers and to increase the international visibility of the ASE research activity.

2. PO_DMCI-04 Recunoașterea complexității activității suplimentare de scriere de articole în reviste cotate Web of Science sau indexate Scopus, Ed. I/2018, Rev. 2/2020.

The procedure determines how to recognize the complexity of the additional effort in writing articles published in journals listed in Web of Science or indexed in Scopus.

3. PO_DMCI-05 Implementarea contractelor/proiectelor de cercetare științifică, dezvoltare, inovare, creație, servicii și transfer tehnologic încheiate cu persoane juridice de drept privat, Ed. I/2020.

The procedure establishes the manner in which contracts / projects for scientific research, development, innovation, creation, services and technology transfer concluded with legal entities under private law will be implemented, except for those that are financed from non-reimbursable external funds.

The full text of the procedures (Romanian language) is available on the research platform.

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January 6, 2021

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