The CIBEREC research center was established in 2005, within the Department of Economic Cybernetics from the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics.
The center has as main objective the fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of economic and social cybernetics, micro and macroeconomic modeling and quantitative economics, aiming to develop multidisciplinary research with the aim of analyzing and optimizing the mechanisms of socio-economic systems. For this, the center carries out the following activities: fundamental studies and research, applied research, continuous training, training and improvement, consulting, informing-documentation-dissemination in the field of microeconomics and macroeconomics and related fields.
Also, two prestigious journals operate within CIBEREC, namely “Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research”, a journal listed by ISI Thomson, and “Economic Computing Studies and Research and Economic Cybernetics”, a journal indexed in international databases.
Recent Projects
No. | Project Name | Objective (or research area) | National (N)/International(I) | Period | Project director | Project website |
1 | Innovative hub for advanced cyber security technologies | ICT, space and storage | N/ PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0272 | 2018-2021 | Prof. univ. dr. Catalin Emilian Boja | https://security-hub.ro/ |
2 | Understanding and modeling the spatio-temporal structures of inequalities and polarization in relation to psychological characteristics | Social sciences and humanities | N/ PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-0084 | 2018-2022 | Prof. univ. dr. Marcel Ausloos | |
3 | Multi-level aggregation solutions to facilitate an optimal response to power demand and electrical network flexibility | ICT | N/ ERANET Cofund /71/2018-11-01 | 2018-2021 | Conf. univ. dr. Simona Vasilica Oprea | https://smart-mla.stimasoft.com/ |
4 | Utilizarea conceptelor specifice entropiei pentru dezvoltarea unui model de dezvoltare aplicabil antreprenoriatului românesc | Dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului, utilizând conceptele specifice entropiei | N / TE 2021 | 2021-2023 | Prof. univ. dr. Eduard-Gabriel CEPTUREANU | |
5 | Solutii Big Data pentru managementul consumului de energie electrica in vederea imbunatatirii strategiilor de piata si a decontarii pentru operatorii retelelor de distributie- BIG-DATA4GRID | The main objective is to create a modular and scalable web-based prototype, built on two functional modules that should answer to DSO necessities in terms of DSM, efficiency and legislative requirements | N / PED 2019 | 2020-2022 | Conf. Univ. dr. Simona Vasilica OPREA | simonaoprea.ase.ro/research/bigdata4grid/ |
6 | Dezvoltarea unei Arhitecturi de Referință a Replicilor Digitale bazate pe Modele pentru Consumatorii Activi de Energie și Comunitatile Inteligente (SMART-TWINS) | Developing a Model-based Digital Twin Reference Architecture for Active Energy Consumers and Smart Communities | N / PCE 2021 | 2022-2024 | Conf. Univ. dr. Simona Vasilica OPREA | |
7 | Empowerment through liquid Integration of Migrant Youth in vulnerable conditions (MIMY) | To better understand and support the liquid integration processes of young migrants in vulnerable conditions in Europe and increase social and economic benefits of and for them. | I / Horizon 2020 | 2021 – 2023 | Prof. univ. dr. Monica ROMAN | www.mimy-project.eu |