Research and Innovation Management Directorate (DMCI)

DMCI provides logistics and consultancy for national and international research projects. It also provides assistance for the validation of information from the platform, and for the reporting of indicators on scientific research at the university.

DMCI contact information:

  • Calea Dorobanți nr. 15-17, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
    Clădirea Centrului de Calcul, room 2415

  • +40 21.319.19.00, int. 134

Valentin Lazăr

Plans, organizes, coordinates and controls the activities carried out within DMCI, in accordance with the development strategy of the university.

Victoria Anton

Duties: ensuring the proper conduct of domestic and international scientific research contracts, organizing the approval of research papers and updating the DMCI database.

Violeta Maria Guță

Duties: making statistical reports on the research activity, and monitoring and providing the necessary support for the proper conduct of scientific events organized within ASE Bucharest.

Ion Pănescu

Duties: monitoring the publications of the members of the ASE scientific community, organizing the awarding process for research results, and providing advice to the members of the ASE scientific community on issues related to Scientometry.

Georgiana Rita Mihai

Duties: provides assistance on the implementation of research projects from the human resources and financial perspectives, as well as by monitoring the activity of the research centers.

Roxana Procop

Duties: to facilitate the dissemination of information on scientific research grants provided by international bodies, UEFISCDI, economic operators, public administration etc., as well as by carrying out anti-plagiarism checks.