The Regional Analyses and Policies Research Center was established in 2003 and functions as a distinct interdisciplinary research structure, with a wide national and international reach.
The Center acts under the auspices of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and its Scientific Council, independently, in cooperation or partnership, at national or international level, with other research institutes, higher education entities or agents from the business environment, in order to achieve its research objectives, such as:
- ensuring the progress of knowledge in the field of economic analysis and economic policies through fundamental and applied scientific research;
- promoting international scientific cooperation, scientific exchanges and communication on the development of economic research and its applications for the benefit of those concerned;
- intensifying the collaboration with European universities in order to achieve a common university research space, within the European Union;
- encouraging initiatives aimed at promoting the modern organization of economic activities, supporting their economic and social development through projects financed by domestic and international bodies, in the public or private domain;
- organizing training and ongoing training activities for specialists in various economic fields, in collaboration with institutions, associations and other bodies in the country and abroad;
- promoting the transfer of knowledge by applying the results of research in practice;
- making and editing specialized publications;
- dissemination of research results by organizing scientific events: seminars, symposiums and conferences, at national and international level;
- dissemination and popularization of scientific research through specific agricultural consulting actions;
- supporting training programs at master’s, doctoral and postdoctoral levels, which aim at the transfer of knowledge from agriculture
Recent Projects
No. | Project Name | Objective (or research area) | National (N)/International(I) | Period | Project director | Project website |
1 | Promoting sustainable food and beverage choices among young European adults – factors of progress, barriers and strategic implications | investigates the determinants of sustainable food and beverage choice among young European adults | N / ERA-Net SUSFOOD2 /42/2018-09-01 | 2018-2021 | Prof. univ. dr. Gabriel Popescu | |
2 | Study on the impact of the national program for replacing used electrical and electronic equipment with more energy efficient ones | Elaboration of a study on the impact of the national program for the replacement of used electrical and electronic equipment with more energy-efficient ones | N/ Business environment | 2019 | Conf. univ. dr. Ionut Anica Popa |