Proiectul PN3 – ReGrowEU DEZBATERE pe tema rezilientei regionale – joi, 20 mai, ora 11:00
Echipa ASE a proiectului ReGrowEU – “Dezvoltarea
Echipa ASE a proiectului ReGrowEU – “Dezvoltarea
A budget of 12 million euro has been made available
On April 8 and 9, the most
Academic Literacy Development: Perspectives on Multilingual Scholars’
The workshop “The Impact of Digitalization on
UEFISCDI, through Open Science Knowledge Hub Romania,
During the 12th edition of the Innovation Cafe,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki announced a Call to host
EUR 7.2 million is available as part of the Hydropower
Organized by: Danubius University of Galati, Romania, together